The DOM naturally


Domorphic is a plain javascript program to shape the DOM in a functional, reactive and keep-it-simple philosophy.

let circle = dom('circle')
    .attr('transform', m => `translate(${m.x}, ${m.y})`)
    .pull(m => ({ 
        x: 20 * Math.cos(m.t) + 40, 
        y: 20 * Math.sin(m.t) + 40

let sample = n => [...Array(n)]
    .map(k => 2 * k * Math.PI / n); 

let svg = dom('svg')
    .branch( => m.ts))


Inspired by the power of d3 and the beauty of elm, this library attempts to breed their many respective qualities, so that shaping DOM interfaces within js may become smooth and enjoyable again.
